Album recording coming soon...
09.02.2023, 09:53,
Hi maniacs!
It's been almost a year since the new drummer Marek has been playing with us. We have played 2 concerts so far, but the priority for us is to record a new album. This time will be at the end of April this year, when we will start this process. We can reveal the name of the new album "Spiritual Negation". Thank you for your support!
Už je to takmer rok, čo s nami hrá nový bubeník Marek. Odohrali sme zatiaľ 2 koncerty ale prioritou je pre nás nahrať nový album. Tento čas bude koncom apríla tohto roku, keď tento proces spustíme. Môžeme prezradiť názov nového albumu „Spiritual Negation“. Ďakujem za tvoju podporu!